Top 15 Highest Paid Public Speakers

Top 15 Highest Paid Public Speakers

The top 15 Highest Paid public speakers. Welcome to a Fact-Booster. Public speakers are skilled or writers who inspire others to make positive changes in their lives, and then teach them how it's become quite the prolific business in the past two decades, one that some individuals have become masters out, getting a high profile person to speak at your event can cost you somewhere between $30,000 and well, let's just say the sky's the limit. The reason for the broad price range is simple popularity, experience and supply and demand. Stay tuned to find out the mind boggling numbers some of these people receive just for a few minutes of speaking. 

The top 15 Highest Paid public speakers. Welcome to a Fact-Booster. Public speakers are skilled or writers who inspire others to make positive changes in their lives, and then teach them how it's become quite the prolific business in the past two decades, one that some individuals have become masters out, getting a high profile person to speak at your event can cost you somewhere between $30,000 and well, let's just say the sky's the limit. The reason for the broad price range is simple popularity, experience and supply and demand. Stay tuned to find out the mind boggling numbers some of these people receive just for a few minutes of speaking.

Number 15

Colin Powell  

Colin Powell fee $150,000. Kicking off this list with a highly respected man who's a retired four star general and the first African American to serve as the US Secretary of State under George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. Colin Powell is one of the greatest communicators of our time and to back when he started speaking, he made a commitment to be an effective and persuasive public speaker to impact and influence as many people as possible. He's known for his engaging speeches and reportedly asks for a minimum of $150,000 per speaking engagement. Over the years, pal has raked in 10s of millions of dollars on the after dinner lecture tours and typically speaks on leadership, education and patriotism. 

Number 14

Condoleezza Rice 

 Condoleezza Rice fee $150,000 rice served as Secretary of State under George W. Bush. From 2005 to 2009, being the successor of the previous speaker on this list, and just like pal she made history when she became the first African American woman, this time around to fill the position of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is renowned for delivering speeches to a large number of corporate clients, as well as being much sought after by universities commanding a going rate of $150,000 per speaking engagement. And between these speaking engagements and business ventures, she's been pretty busy since her position of Secretary of State she's also well known as being a woman who likes to break down social barriers.

Number 13

David Cameron

 David Cameron, the $155,000. This former British Prime Minister is doing pretty well for himself since he resigned and left the UK Parliament commanding a minimum of $155,000 per speech, which is almost as much as his salary when he was the Prime Minister. David Cameron's experience and leadership at an extraordinary And a stormy time and global affairs is very valuable, which was reflected in the minimum fee he asks for a speech and the fact he was the youngest Prime Minister in two centuries further increases his value as a professional.

Number 12

Matthew McConaughey 

Matthew McConaughey $166,000. Matthew McConaughey is a force of nature both on and off the screen. Besides his prolific acting career, he also does very well in business takes part in numerous philanthropic activities and speaks to numerous organizations, especially universities. Now we're not really sure how he got to ask him for such a random number as a base fee for a speech. But when the chips are on the table, Matthew can certainly deliver a five star speech any day of the week. In fact, he's famous for delivering one of the best speeches in history at the University of Houston in speeches mokona Hey balances empowerment with entertainment, sharing lessons from his life and career the impact of his philanthropic efforts and the important of chasing your passion. One thing's for sure when it comes to this great man. He doesn't just give a great speech he delivers that experience. 

Number eleven

Tim Geithner 

 Tim Geithner be $200,000. This statesman is the former treasury secretary that served under Obama from 2009 to 2013, as well as the former New York Federal Reserve Bank President from 2003 to 2009. Gardner asks a standard $200,000 per speaking event, however, sometimes he settles for as low as $100,000. His services are well sought after by financial institutions as well as other entities for a variety of industries with some of his most notable clients, including Blackstone properties and Deutsche Bank. 

Number ten

George W. Bush 

 George W. Bush be $200,000. Almost immediately after leaving office, former President George W. Bush took the public speaking trading one podium for another six Then he's made 10s of millions of dollars all from speaking fees charging a minimum of $200,000 each one. Like many former presidents, he's created a name for himself speaking at many corporate events, gradually increasing his presence and value as a public speaker, and a lack sirs. If you'd like to learn some more about this, head over to our video how former American presidents get rich from speaking at corporate events, click or tap in the top right corner to watch. 

Number nine

Ben Bernanke 

 Ben Bernanke be $200,000 to $400,000. This man was the chairman of the Federal Reserve for eight years starting in 2006. And like other financial experts, he's a valuable catch on the after dinner circuit. After leaving his position, Vern Anki made 10s of millions of dollars in speaking fees, charging a standard fee of $200,000, which could go up to $400,000 depending on a variety of factors. His main audience consists of private equity firms, trade associations, bank banks and other financial institutions. 

Number eight

Bill and Hillary Clinton 

 Bill and Hillary Clinton fees 200,000 to $450,000. The Clintons pretty much created the modern blueprint for how to get rich once the President leaves the Oval Office. they've spoken at a wide range of events across the world from environmental conferences to business meetings, oftentimes promoting causes such as HIV AIDS treatment, economic empowerment and leadership development. Over the years, they've slowly built up their value as
public speakers, which reflects in their current fees for an engagement starting off at $200,000 and going up to $450,000 depending on a few factors. However, we should mention on a few occasions, they've even received higher checks than that one time in Nigeria for $700,000 and that an Ericsson event for $750,000 after nearly two decades of being in this business, this couple is racked up and speaking fees a hefty sum Around $200 million 

Number Seven

Tony Blair 

 Tony Blair fee $250,000. And coming to the second to non American on this list, who also happens to be a former British Prime Minister and the most sought after British politician on the after dinner circuit. Ever since he left office back in 2007. He's made millions delivering speeches around the world. His going fee is around $250,000. However, this is not quite consistent, being known to ask for more or less, but usually more depending a lot on the event organization who asks for the service and geography among a few different factors. 

Number six

Alan Greenspan 

 Alan Greenspan be $250,000 former chair of the Federal Reserve and a leading economist since retiring, Greenspan has been able to bring in big sums of money giving speeches. He's more in demand now than ever and his insight into finances brings in a hefty, check personal engagement of around $250,000. 

Number five

Arnold Schwarzenegger 

 Arnold Schwarzenegger fee $250,000 bodybuilding legend turned business mogul turned a list actor turned politician. There's probably little in this world that Arnold can't do with stirring success terminating much of the competition on this list. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a super popular after dinner speaker who's delivered many times many iconic speeches that have resounded with millions around the world. Needless to say, getting the Terminator to speak at your event will cost you a fortune of around $250,000 as well as first class private jet transportation and accommodation for himself and his team.

Number four

Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Tony Robbins be $300,000 Next on our list is the ultimate guru of motivation recognized by millions around the world. Tony Robbins has risen from obscurity and poverty to become perhaps The greatest speaker and life change strategist in the world. His going right for a keynote starts off at $300,000 depending strongly on his skills, experience and portfolio, but with his crazy busy schedule, you'd be lucky to get him at your event.

Number three

Rudy Giuliani 

 Rudy Giuliani be $300,000 former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani is considered by many a top notch speaker who pulls in millions of dollars per year in speeches ever since he left office back in 2001. He speaks mostly about leadership as well as other subjects charging as much as $300,000 per speaking engagement and much like the Terminator requires first class private jet transportation and accommodation for himself and his team. 

Number two

Barack Obama 

 Barack Obama  400,000. thousand dollars to $600,000.
quickly after leaving the Oval Office, Obama joined the speaking circuit and became one of the highest paid public speakers in the world. He ended Michelle followed in the footsteps of the Clintons and they're well on their way of surpassing them. His popularity experience and insight is highly in demand around the world, which allows him to rake in exorbitant amounts of money of each speaking engagement starting off at $400,000. And one time even got paid $600,000 for a speech he gave in Bogota, Colombia at the largest marketing and business event in the country. Obama talks about leadership, economy, community and plenty of other topics which he considers deserving of the attention for the progress of each and every one of his listeners. 

Number one

Donald Trump

 Donald Trump the one to $1.5 million pen taking home the golden This one is none other than the 45th President of the United States and one of the most controversial politicians in history. Donald Trump back when he wasn't involved in the political sector. At the height of his popularity, Donald Trump was commanding an outstanding base sum of $1 million per speech, even going up to $1.5 million. That's impressive, to say the least. He usually delivered speeches to financial institutions, a variety of events, real estate companies and many other companies from different industries. We just have to wonder, is he worth the money? And all that concludes our list a lock says.

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